9/14/11 Still some Surgery Lag, but doing well

Feeling quite good the past few days.  4 poops in 2 days, none assisted, is good.  I'm about 4 1/2 weeks postop now and of that 30-odd days, I have not had to use any form of assistance for 27 or 28 of them, so there is definitely no placebo effect on this part. 

My scars are healing......all 17 of them (15 in the leg, 2 in the neck), pretty nicely.  There are a couple taking longer because every time I walk it tugs on the area a bit more than the others so they clearly won't heal up as quick. 

Walking is better, breathing remains excellent, heart in check, poop better.  Only thing is the urination which has essentially no change, though it does feel now and again that the pressure is better and I'm holding more between visits.  That one's a little tougher to quantify, so I won't call that yet. 

It's so strange thinking about why blood flow would help this.  It makes me think about what MS lesions are.  Are they living and growing or are they dying pieces of the myelin sheath?  I theorize they are dying parts of the myelin as a result of a lack of oxygen perfusion due to blood stagnancy. CCSVI could possibly be renamed to CCSVS with the last "S" meaning "stagnancy."

Oxygen perfuses every millimeter of our bodies which is one reason the arterial side of our circulatory system is under such pressure. It is to ensure the oxygen delivery to the furthest reaches of our bodies from the fingers and toes to our brains. The key to this theory is the high pressure perfusion is complimented by the low pressure recovery of the deoxygenated blood. As the oxygenated blood is fully delivered to the far reaches there is a brief moment where is goes from high pressure to low pressure as all of the oxygen is released into the organ. At this point the blood is merely a carrier of the spent, deoxygenated blood to return it to the heart/lung system for reoxygenation

Stagnancy in the short term is not a problem. Veins have a unique collection and delivery system that allows the body to function and divert even when blocked. But long term stagnancy of venous blood in areas of the body especially the brain leads to the gradual decline in functioning and health of the organ that needs oxygen to survive over time.

Following this theory, in the case of MS that stagnancy over time leads to the degradation of the nerve and myelin coating. Because MS symptoms are so random in nature and the affected nerve may control anything from the legs to bowels to arms to vision, the oxygen disruption could happen anywhere within the brain barrier leading to the nerves.  Why random?  Nerves are microscopic and any one or combination can be affected by the stagnant, deoxygenated blood.

In the meantime, I'm just happy I'm improving......can't wait for all the scars to heal so I can get back to exercising. 

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